The supply company worked feverishly to keep food and water available for all elements
of the regiment. That there was seldom a break in this precious labor throughout all the days of
the fighting was due in no small measure to the bravery of men like Private Jeff D. Hogan and
Wagoners William C. West, Ernest B. Abramson, Tillman B. Owens, Wilbur Hobson, George B.
Fields, Edwin C. Mueller, Ralph Mortland, and Alfred Hencerling. When the third battalion was
held up at the intermediate objective at 8:30 oclock on the morning of November 1st by such an
intense fire that it was folly to hardly move, these men brought forward all of Major Allens
kitchens and established them within 350 yards of the front lines. This was accomplished
without a moments hesitation and under the eyes and fire of the enemy. The kitchens were in
place before 10 oclock, a full twenty-four hours before adjoining units could be similarly
The signal men in Lieutenant Bartholomew Kileys platoon of Headquarters company
maintained almost perfect wire liaison, and the conduct of a half score of those was so valorous
that it became the subject of a division citation.
Corporal Luther McFarren, Coporal Nathaniel Harris, Private Hoyt E. Tomme, Private
Harry H. Kimball, Private Joe Ferguson, Private Roy Ghent, Private Sam E. Welsh, Private Earl
W. Young, and Private L. Morel, reads the citation, maintained perfect liaison with regimental
headquarters at all times, constantly repairing shot out lines under heavy shell and machine gun
fire, and each time when the infantry went forward into the attack they, carried heavy reels of
wire and instruments and kept the lines in operation, never more than fifty feet behind the
battalion commander, in the center of the battalion. After the attack on Hill 321, when the
battalion P. C. had become stationary, these men rendered valuable assistance to the first aid
station in caring for the wounded.
The men mentioned in the above paragraph under the immediate direction of Sergeant
Joseph L. Miller, of Company C, 315th Field Signal battalion, and hand in hand with an equal
number of men from that organization, with whom they shared the division commanders warm
words of praise.
It was during one of the moments of the hottest fighting for the possession of points just
beyond Grand Carre Farm that the men of this regiment were privileged to witness just a bit of
characteristic, if somewhat old-fashioned, American artillery dash. The second battalion of the
313th Field Artillery was in support of the regiment and was determined to keep up with the
advance. At one place it became necessary to cross a wide open field in order to reach sheltered
positions behind ridge 270, near Grand Carre Farm. The riders lashed the plunging horses into a
gallop and the heavy guns were brought forward that, until the start of this war, were attendant to
the advance of the artillery arm.
To go back a few hours in the story, however, by 2 oclock on the afternoon of the 2nd
the 180th Brigade, particularly the 360th Infantry, had suffered heary casualties and the relief of
the brigade was ordered. The 179th moved up that night and the next morning passed through
the positions which General McAlexanders men had already organized for defense.
Immediately the relief was effected scouting patrols in front of the 179ths sector reported that
the enemy had run away. Pursuit was immediately taken up and the 360th Infantry clung close
to the advance of General ONeils brigade. Under desultory artillery fire this movement came