Stories about events of today may be valuable as contributions to history tomorrow;
certainly they are not histories today, for history must have the benefit of many years of
However, there is a certain intrinsic value attached to any narration which sets forth the
facts while they are still fresh in the writers mind. It is with this principle in mind that the
information in these lines has been extracted from the official records of the regiments
performances and woven into a story. There has been no attempt at sensation, nor expansion.
Neither has an attempt been made to record within this document the valorous deeds of every
member of the regiment. The consciousness of work well done is reward enough for anyone. If
this story does, at times, mention the work of individuals it is because the deeds of these men
best reflect the truly loyal and zealous manner in which the regiment carried every objective,
whether it was a high standard of perfection in training or a bit of enemy infested wood in that
glorious battlefield which stretched from the Meuse to the Argonne Forest.
The writer is indebted to the office staffs of the battalions and separate companies for the
voluminous notes with which he was so promptly and cheerfully provided, and to Major George
Wythe, the historian for the 90th Division, whose records and manuscript were open to him.
Second Lieutenant, Headquarters Co., 360th Infantry.