The Search for the Silver Star

SSgt Arthur F. Kueker

Brian Keuker is a man who found that his uncle had been awarded the silver star for action in France, posthumously.  The family however, never knew that Arthur F. Kueker  had ever earned this important award. This started a quest for information about how and why it was awarded.

His search ended with the formal presentation of the Sliver Star to SSgt .Arthur F. Kueker's two sisters and their family at the reunion in Little Rock in August of 2002 [click here] 58 years after he earned it. Major Generals Doughty and Bockel made the presentation.

Brian tells here and on the following two pages, how he acquired copies of the orders of the award to his uncle which were issued in 1944.

Reprinted here is the letter he sent to us so as to be able to help any others in their search for information about their Tough Ombre:


For the "I'm looking for..." inquiries about documenting citations and trying to get medals due their family members. My family member's citation was in a 90th division general order. I'm told all awards had to go through a division order. My relative was KIA 6-14-44 and his Silver Star showed up in a division order 7-31-44. To get a copy of the division order I wrote to:

National Archives and Record Administration
Modern Military Records - NWCTM
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001

Replacement medals and certificates can be ordered from the American War Library in Gardena, Ca. (They are on the web). You have to have documentation, or, they have to see the soldier's info in their database (their database is huge and had my relative and all his awards in it).

Brian Kueker []

Brian also sends a list of the names of the people who were listed on the General Order that contained the citation of his uncle. He has the texts of each individual's citation. [click here to see the list]

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