Repairing a broken field wire under cover of a smoke screen. Repairing a broken field wire under cover of a smoke screen.

Staff Sergeant Crawles E. Adams plays his newly acquired horn for unappreciative audience in Sankt-Barbara, Germany.

Staff Sergeant Crawles E. Adams plays his newly acquired horn for unappreciative audience in Sankt-Barbara, Germany.

90th Division man at the estate belonging to Fritz von Papen examines an old buggy which probably carried the old Nazi statesman on many a jaunt.

90th Division man at the estate belonging to Fritz von Papen examines an old buggy which probably carried the old Nazi statesman on many a jaunt.


A tank waits on a section of a pontoon bridge built by combat engineers of the 90th Division as a ferry to cross the Saar River. A tank waits on a section of a pontoon bridge built by combat engineers of the 90th Division as a ferry to cross the Saar River.

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